Expand the reach of the layouts to all user accessible areas

swift's picture

Joined: 2003-12-08
Posts: 39
Posted: Wed, 2005-05-25 03:25

I've been playing with customizing Gallery 2, and while I certianly realize that it is very powerful and flexible, I'd like to echo comments made by others that the process is overly complicated.

My biggest beef is that while album and item display is controlled by the selected layouts/themes, the layout for the User Management, Commenting System and several other user accessible modules are controlled by a completely different set of templates that are based on the Matrix layout. I want to customize Gallery to match the layout/design of my site (or at least all the normal user accessible parts of Gallery). To do this under the current scheme, there is not only the album/item layout to change, but also all these other files in various sub-directories of the /modules directory. Each of these .tpl files is similar, but not quite the same so you have to go through and change each one, and be careful not to miss any of the small changes among them.

My ideal solution, would be to have all these user-accessible parts controlled by the Gallery default layout as defined in the Site Admin/Layouts & Themes/Defaults section, and would use the appropriate .tpl files in that layout directory to render. This would make my task of making Gallery fit my site so much easier as there would only be one layout directory to mess with. I realize that the layouts might need to be a little more complex to handle this, but in the end I think it's worth it.

mindless's picture

Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Wed, 2005-05-25 04:43