

Joined: 2005-05-20
Posts: 14
Posted: Sat, 2005-05-21 21:33

In gallery 1.x you had the choice of letting the logged in user to type a user when commenting.

I really want such an option in gallery 2.
I want a logged in user to be able to use any nick/name he wants for that specific image/album.

How can i accomplish this?

ie. user: TEXTBOX
comment: TEXTBOX

bharat's picture

Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Sun, 2005-05-22 09:17

Hm. You should file a feature request for this; we'll consider modifying the comment module. In the meantime, you'd have to change the code for this. You can extend the GalleryComment entity to add a new field to the comment table in the database, then modify the ui to allow you to store the new field in the database. If you're going to do that, you should consider cloning the comment module so that your changes are compatible with future versions of G2.


Joined: 2005-05-20
Posts: 14
Posted: Sun, 2005-05-22 11:32

I do not understand php on such a level. Where do i fill a future request?
Maybe there is osmebody willing to do this mod?


Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Sun, 2005-05-22 11:56
maybe someone filed already the same feature request. please search the existing feature requests (1 minute or so), and if you don't find something similar, submit a new request and post here the url to the request.


Joined: 2005-05-20
Posts: 14
Posted: Sun, 2005-05-22 12:43

Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Sun, 2005-05-22 12:57

thanks. added a short description and added it to the feature matrix page. it may take "a while" until this gets high enough priority.


Joined: 2005-05-20
Posts: 14
Posted: Tue, 2005-09-20 16:55

Anybody has any info on when this could be implemented? How can I check the position of this future request, ie. what probability of adding soon.

nivekiam's picture

Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Sun, 2005-09-25 14:45

As you can see here, G1 like commenting is a rather highly voted on feature. I can't say when it will be implemented but I'm sure the devs are working on improving the commenting system for the next release of G2 (G2.1?)