G2 in postnuke - need Tips for installation


Joined: 2003-02-09
Posts: 214
Posted: Tue, 2005-05-10 17:03

Hi all. As the site for embedding into postnuke isn't working (cannot register and links are broken) I ask the topic here.

I will install G2-beta2 on my new postnuke installation but I wonder if it's the same as the old 1.4 gallerie - just copy into modules dir and ready.
I worked with G2-beta1 some month ago and there was a hint how to embedd by using a 3rd party module - but I didn't et around this and don't find this link anymore.

So can anybody tell me how to install G2 in postnuke? Do I need anything elso for it to work? Which name should the "Module" get? I'm happy about any hint I get.


Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Tue, 2005-05-10 21:40

technobonn, hmm, the support for the postnuke integration seems to be inactive for a while.

and no, the integration with G2 is not the same as with G1.

let's hope Black-y returns...