Hi! I was wondering if the developers have a tentative date for the release of Gallery 2? I'm really looking forward to it since it has mySQL capability. I hope I'm not being impatient and buggy.:grin:
It's difficult not to be impatient when G2 sounds soo amazing :smile:
Despite some other gallery scripts having a few features I want, I installed Gallery 1 so I can upgrade to G2 :smile:
I'm looking forward to writing some modules for it.
Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Sat, 2003-01-04 06:53
It's hard to say. The feature set is moving along, but I'm only getting half an hour a day to write code at the moment, so it's slow going. Right now, I'm not going to put a date out (although if this doesn't hit alpha in the next few months I'm going to be very disappointed).
Joined: 2002-12-05
Posts: 86
Posted: Sat, 2003-01-04 14:40
Thank you for your time. As a fellow webmaster managing 2 websites and juggling studies, I can understand the time constriants. My heartfelt thanks to your wonderful team for this wonderful program. :wink:
Posts: 21
It's difficult not to be impatient when G2 sounds soo amazing :smile:
Despite some other gallery scripts having a few features I want, I installed Gallery 1 so I can upgrade to G2 :smile:
I'm looking forward to writing some modules for it.
Posts: 7994
It's hard to say. The feature set is moving along, but I'm only getting half an hour a day to write code at the moment, so it's slow going. Right now, I'm not going to put a date out (although if this doesn't hit alpha in the next few months I'm going to be very disappointed).
Posts: 86
Thank you for your time. As a fellow webmaster managing 2 websites and juggling studies, I can understand the time constriants. My heartfelt thanks to your wonderful team for this wonderful program. :wink: