gallery2// instead of gallery2/

jmullan's picture

Joined: 2002-07-28
Posts: 974
Posted: Mon, 2005-04-25 06:56

Thanks to valiant I was able to fix this in my .htaccess and database, so my gallery works, but this was incorrectly detected during the install.

Wait, no, something is still broken.

I don't know if this is a mod_rewrite issue or whatnot.


Gallery url:
Gallery version: g2b(cvs)
Webserver (with version): apache2 2.0.53-5
Database (with version): 4.0.24-2
PHP version (eg 4.2.1): 4.3.10-9
phpinfo URL (optional):
Graphics Toolkit(s):
Operating system: debian
Web browser/version: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.7) Gecko/20050414 Firefox/1.0.3
G1 version (for migration bugs):


Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Mon, 2005-04-25 12:17

jmullan, it's a rewrite module issue. i submitted pelle the fix.

pelle's picture

Joined: 2004-12-10
Posts: 389
Posted: Thu, 2005-04-28 13:31

it's in cvs, thanks valiant!