multisite detecting wrong url

darkknight's picture

Joined: 2003-03-01
Posts: 40
Posted: Thu, 2005-04-21 18:33

I have several hosted domains, hosts my main gallery files (which is just a symlink to my cvs copy of gallery) is a site im moving, and shouldnt have entered the equation

I was looking at using multisite to get gallery2 on but the installer detected for some reason. I ignored it and continued the install, and unsirprisingly all CSS references are now to a domain that does not have the pages (

My apache2 config seems wierd in that it uses ProxyPassReverse for both domains except strangeparty, and all domains are aliased to in the config. (i dont administrate the machine, so cannot change this)

Can I change the domain that gallery thinks it is running from? I looked in the db and didnt see any tables that struch me as appropriate.

What about the config.php
$gallery->setConfig('galleryId', '');
$gallery->setConfig('multisite', true);

Does it need a line to identify what the other multisite is?


Gallery URL (optional):
Gallery version: cvs (erm, a few days old?)
Webserver (with version): apache2
Datatabase (with version): mysql 4.1.11
PHP version (eg 4.2.1):4.3.10-1.dotdeb.0
phpinfo URL (optional):
Graphics Toolkit(s):
Operating system: linux (debian)
Web browser/version:
G1 version (for migration bugs):

mindless's picture

Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Thu, 2005-04-21 18:52

the top of config.php is where it determines which site is being accessed..
note that multisite and Url rewrite module are currently not working together..

darkknight's picture

Joined: 2003-03-01
Posts: 40
Posted: Thu, 2005-04-21 19:17

umm, yeah. I should have read that file more thoroughly...

so i disabled the rewrite module

after changing that it still didnt seem to work, so i re-did the install for the new site, and it added a new darkknight entry. I changed that again, and it still fails to work (still thinks its in

curiously, if all the g2 installs are in /gallery2 will the rewrite work?