protocol out of date <1


Joined: 2003-01-02
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2003-01-02 04:03

Trying to upload pics using gallery remote. I can drag and drop pics in to the window, but when I click upload, it starts uploading the first pic, then stops issuing the error "Protocol out of date < 1".

Any ideas?

Client on winXP
Server RedHat 7.3


Joined: 2003-01-08
Posts: 2
Posted: Wed, 2003-01-08 17:06

Try this. Edit your /etc/php.ini and look for a line:
file_uploads = On

Mine was set to Off and that's when I got the messages "cannot access these files directly" from add_photos, and "protocol out of date" from gallery_remote.

This switch allows you to do http file transfers. I didn't have this problem with Red Hat 7.1, but when I built a new server on RH 7.3, it suddenly stopped working - so it's possible by default that the RH7.1 has it set to "On", and RH 7.3 defaults it to "Off" on the initial setup