it sure would be nice if there was a way where we could set an option like in the debugger module where we could see whick smarty templates were being used to compile the page that we are on... would be easier in the design process.. and would cut out all the time wasted trying to figure out which template to look in to change a certain thing.. 
and if this feature does exist.. then just call me stupid and show me where its at.. 
Posts: 32509
you're stupid*, here it is:
-> set 'buffered' debug mode (allow pop ups in your browser), the additional browser window will show the smarty debug information.
Posts: 35
hehehehe... thanks Valiant
Posts: 1301
Oh cool. That's good information, since I've just started playing wth G2 again.
(Glad astralbaby asked the question, and not me...) :wink: