I've already spent a few hours in the G2 support forums trying to solve installation problems (was stuck on step 5) and configuration issues with Imagemagick and was successful. I've looked at many posts regarding thumbnail creation and image resizing; however, none of them have been useful.
I have successfully configured/tested/saved my settings for imagemagick. The problem is this: thumbnails are never created (neither are resiszed images) even though I check the 'Create thumbnails now' box. I have searched my G2data directory (where i assume the tumbs and resizes would be stored), but these files are not there. This results in extremely slow access by users of my gallery, as each image is slowly resized when they are requested by a user.
I have seen posts like mine where use of a PHP script helps (the script link seems to be dead). All I want to do is make all the resizes and thumbs when the images are uploaded to G2...this option was AWESOME with G1 and I am very disappointed that this feature isn't present/working with G2.
Also, moderators have said that images will be resized once accessed for the first time...this is true in my case; however, they are resized yet not saved in g2data, or any other area for that matter. This results in resizing images every single time they are requested.
Please tell me I've overlooked something simple.
Gallery URL (optional):
Gallery version: G2.0 - Beta 1
Webserver (with version): Apache/2.0.53 (Win32)
Datatabase (with version): mysql-essential-4.1.11-win32
PHP version (eg 4.2.1): PHP/5.0.4
phpinfo URL (optional):
Graphics Toolkit(s): ImageMagick-6.2.1-Q16-windows-dll
Operating system: Windows XP 2003 Home Ed.
Web browser/version: Firefox 1.02
G1 version (for migration bugs):
Posts: 32509
which of your problems are still unsolved? i mean, you start by describing an installation problem (step 5) but then it seems to be solved.
i'd like to be sure that resizes/thumbs are not stored in g2data.
they should be stored in g2data/cache/derivatives/ are there no files?
thumbs are created on upload time, if you have the checkbox checked. resizes not.
you can build all thumbs/resizes in site admin -> maintenance -> Build All Thumbnails/Resizes, but only in beta 2. so you should upgrade from beta 1 to beta 2. there were also some performance improvements since beta 1.
Posts: 4
Valiant, thanks for the quick reply!
Alright, what i was saying at the top of my post is that the forums helped me solve being stuck at 'step 5' and helped solve my issues with imagemagick.
My only problem is the creation of any thumnails or resized images. They simply aren't saved in g2data/cache/derivative. When i go to that directory, there are two folders named: '0' and '1'. Inside each of these folders are 10 folders named: '1', '2', '3', ... , '9'. Inside these folders there are a couple dat files (named as numbers, ie: 132, 130) and corresponding text files named: '132-meta', etc.
Any ideas what is going on here?
Posts: 4
I just want to also say that i can access my gallery and see thumbs and resized images...but they take awhile to load because they first have to be created.
Posts: 32509
then everything is fine. the .dat files are the derivatives and the .inc meta data files.
please upgrade to beta 2. and tell us what you think is still wrong. thanks.
Posts: 4
Upgrading to beta 2 did not help.
When I access my gallery, each thumbnail....each resized image is created (and not saved) every time they are accessed. I look in g2data/cache/derivative and there are .dat files and .txt files, but there are no .jpg to prove that these thumbnails and resized pics are actually saved anywhere. When files are resized or made into thumbs, aren't they saved as .jpg somewhere???
As Valiant suggested, i tried 'admin -> maintenance -> Build All Thumbnails/Resizes', which comes with beta-2 and that did not work. Actually, it did say that it was a 'success'; however, this function took only 10 seconds to complete. If it actually worked, wouldn't it take a couple minutes to process about 50 images into thumbnails and smaller resizes?
Any ideas?
Posts: 32509
ahnald, i already told you that there will be no .jpg files in derivatives, ... the .dat .inc files form together the thumbs and resizes. it's how G2 stores thumbs and resizes for an arbitrary original file format.
so yes, G2 stores the thumbs/resizes in g2data, also in your case.
Posts: 32509
ahnald, and the maintenancetask does actually create the thumbs/resizes. if they existed already before, there's not much to do and that's why it may only have took moments.
if the performance of G2 is not satisfying, you may want to install a php accelerator, they are free. i.e. PHPA, turk mmcache or eaccelerator.