[SOLVED] Unable to make thumbnail insanity - IIS 6.0
Joined: 2005-02-08
Posts: 29 |
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******Adding Frag3.jpg***** Doing the naming Image Preprocessing Resizing/compressing original image Resizing Image: c:/inetpub/wwwroot/mtndewbuzz/modules/gallery/albums/screenshots/Frag3.jpg Getting Dimension of file: c:/inetpub/wwwroot/mtndewbuzz/modules/gallery/albums/screenshots/Frag3.jpg No resizing required Adding Photo to the photo list File c:/inetpub/wwwroot/mtndewbuzz/modules/gallery/albums/screenshots/Frag3.jpg type 2. Getting Dimension of file: c:/inetpub/wwwroot/mtndewbuzz/modules/gallery/albums/screenshots/Frag3.jpg Generating thumbnail. Resizing Image: c:/inetpub/wwwroot/mtndewbuzz/modules/gallery/albums/screenshots/Frag3.jpg Getting Dimension of file: c:/inetpub/wwwroot/mtndewbuzz/modules/gallery/albums/screenshots/Frag3.jpg Executing: c:\imagemagick\convert -quality 90 -size 150x150 -coalesce c:\inetpub\wwwroot\mtndewbuzz\modules\gallery\albums\screenshots\Frag3.jpg -geometry 150x150 c:\inetpub\wwwroot\mtndewbuzz\modules\gallery\albums\screenshots\Frag3.thumb.jpg Results: none Debug messages: Status: 1 (expected 0) Error: Unable to make thumbnail (0) Ive given permission to everything under the sun and it still will not upload the pictures They arent even uploading into the albums directory. But the gallery itself can write to the "albums" folder, create and edit albums just fine. So theres no permission problems there. I see the date changing on the .bak files... so its able to access them and that folder. Ive given permissions to cmd.exe to "Network Service" "IUSR_SRVERNAME" etc etc ... it doesn't matter who i giev what permissions too .. this thing will not upload a picture into the album directory. I know my php uploads work fine.. because users upload attachments and avatars all day long with out a hitch. But this gallery ..... thats a whole different story. I don't understand.. Anyone want to shed some light? Tips, ideas, solutions? I appreciate the help. Thanks ---- |
Posts: 29
Posts: 1
I had the same issue. These settings worked for me:
1. Give IUSER_Server read/write access to gallery/albums and gallery temp folders
2. Give IUSER_Server read/execute access to c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe
3. Give IUSER_Server modify access to PHP\sessiondata and PHP\uploadtemp folders
Hope this helps...
Posts: 8339
Alright what's going on here?
I've suddenly got the same problem.
All was fine until my friend emailed me to say that he could no longer upload images to his site (which I host for him).
Nothing has changed on my end.
Windows 2003 server, IIS6 php 4.3.8 on both my servers, one works, one does not.
Sounds fishy to me.
Even though I have ImageMagick installed Gallery Remote has always reported that it could not find it. It also used to say that it would create the thumbnails itself. Now it does not.
I just upgraded to 1.5 - no help
If I have to upgrade to Gallery2 then I cannot embed it into my Geeklog site.
Getting frustrated here.
oh yeah - my permissions are all set correctly. Like I said it was working until some unknown cosmic event took place. And it still works on my other server(must be shielded from unknown cosmic events).
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Posts: 8339
:D Alright, It seems that our buddies in redmond have thrown us for a loop with one of thier latest "security fixes"
you have to give IIS worker group process modify permissions to your upload temp folder eg. c:/php/uploadtemp
that would be IIS_WGP
and thank you for my support.
Posts: 29
I'm so f'n pissed off right now. Ive given full control to IUSER_SERVER, IIS_WPG, NETWORK SERVICE, for cmd.exe, convert.exe, albums directory. temp directory, EVERYTHING!@!!!
I might as well put a sign up on my server "Open to the public to hack" Because it practically is. And guess what? Thats right! This freakin thing will still not upload the pictures to the album directory. I freakin give up .. it shouldn't be this hard and i really shouldn't have to spend more then 24 hours trying to upload a picture into gallery when my uploads already work in the first place with attatchmod. And all had to do with attatchmod was give my uploads folder permission for IUSER_SERVER to write to it. Done .. But Nooooooo this thing wants write permissions to the damn system folder. That freakin sketchy .. 90% of the computers out there are windows and somehow they cant support it properly. That doesn't quite make any sense to me..
Its like you need a freakin degree in engineering to install this. and what kills me is. IT WAS WORKING ALREADY!!!
What other module or program do you know of that stops working randomly? I cant think of any.
I don't even know if i want to ask if someone else has any other solutions. I shouldn't have to go through all this crap..
Sorry .. but I'm pissed. I need to vent. Ive kept my cool for far too long. When you know what your doing and shit still doesn't work. It really pisses me off.
Thanks for listening. Now I'm going into the bathroom to hang myself. Bye
Posts: 3236
its true that 99% of people browsing the web use windows... but its not true about servers. Apache hosts something like 75% of the web's web servers, and most of those run linux.
Everything in the docs points to how hard it is to get gallery working in windows, and the hardest part is getting php to work. Obviously something is not working with your IIS+PHP, its quite unlikely to be gallery.
You say that the attach mod works, but does it have to execute system commands to run image manipulation programs in order to create 2 or 3 different images? I'm not sure how it works, but I have seen some that do use thumbnails... but I don't know if its just the whole image with a "height=" tag or if it actually made thumbs for it.
You don't need (neccessaryly) full control for all those files, just that the certain users can read/write/execute them.
Your debug output doesn't look bad, but obviously there is something wrong. Have you tried running some of the same commands manually in cmd line to see if they even work?
Posts: 3236
Also, gallery is unlikly to randomly just stop working. SOMETHING on your side changed if it randomly stopped working. It was probably a windows security update that messed with permissions or changed how IIS worked or something. Everyone who claims they "didn't do anything, it just stopped working" is either lying or just doesn't realize something changed
That goes for linux and windows equally of course :p
Posts: 29
Just need to vent dude. I'm sure you've been there. I was trying to make some humor about it.
My point about the permissions, was ... it doesn't matter what i give to who .. this thing will not manipulate the images or upload them. Nothing changed on my side at all. Just woke up one day .. and everything was haywire. Ended up installed the new 1.5 rc2 version because i kept going to some upgrade screen over and over just from reinstalling the old version.
So, it was working .. stopped working.. i left all the permissions on cmd.exe convert.exe, temp folder for both session data, and temp uploads. Nothing changed there at all. Reinstalled gallery to this 1.5 version .... redid the permissions for albums directory. Re uploaded the module... Installed perfect. I was able to make albums and edit them and every other option you had. And the one thing that i NOW couldn't do. Upload pictures.
Soo .. it tends to make someone a little mental when the same settings that used to work before, are all of the sudden "Not working" just because of a new install on gallery. All my settings have been looked over about 50 times. And thats not exaggerating.
Like i said. Nothing was changed. Woke up one morning, it was hosed. Installed a new version of gallery. Wont upload. Tried top reload the old version i had .. and i kept getting "upgrading users" over and over .. so that leaves me where i am now. Back on 1.5rc2
Make sense now? I though so..
I really like gallery, don't get me wrong. Ive just never went through this much agony trying to get something to work on my web server. For a second time. Seriously man.. I thought that guy had the answer for me .. and that didn't even help .. and thats what set me off! I got to have something to blame. Blame Gallery! Yeah!
And your probably right about the webservers. I was thinking client machine. My bad..
Posts: 13451
And people wonder why IIS is unsupported.
Posts: 3236
I sometimes feel that way about MythTV on linux ;)
Posts: 29
Ahh hell, I tried. :-?
Posts: 29
Well praise the lord! I finally figure out what the problem was.
PLEASE add this to the windows install docs. Its mucho importante~.
Your ImageMagick folder needs read permissons for the 1 of the following users.
Im not exactly sure which one it was in specific, because i added all of them at the same time. But i assure you its one of those or all of them.
How that got changed, i have no freakin clue. But YAY!!!! Its converting images now. Kick ass!
Posts: 13451
Most likely the NETWORK SERVICE, which is mentioned in the user contributed notes in the IIS section...
Posts: 29
Ok ....why is it upgrading users over and over now? When i go to my gallery is says:
I press the done button and nothing happens. Ive deleted all the sessions data out of the temp folder .. and i still get this. I want to cry... seriously.
I tried to search the forums, but weve been through this before. Its practically impossible finding threads that have anything to do with this.
Posts: 13451
Something happened to your users dir.
Posts: 29
Ok... i fixed it. Im up and running like a champ. Thanks for the help.