[Solved] Upgrading 1.5-RC to 1.5 start and stop

ozit's picture

Joined: 2003-11-27
Posts: 27
Posted: Thu, 2005-04-14 21:39


I was using normaly my album with the 1.5-RC3 with 12 top-level albums (303 total), 14446 images when I received a mall to get information that new version 1.5 had left.
As usual, I mad a configure.sh
tar zxvf galleri-1.5.tg....
and I logged to gallery to configure it.
All in top was register
"Attention Gallery Administrator!
Gallery has detected that 303 of your albums are out of date.
Please upgrade those albums."

I clicked on "Please upgrade those albums" and the upgrade start, but sop after 10 secondes.
There were 221 more albums to convert
I let 2 hours the popup without any result, I restart my Server, try many things, without result.

Now, when I connected to my gallery, I can only see 303-221= 82 albums, but not the 221 others.
The first page was not entiere (whole)

I resolve my problem writting this Topic : it was the memory allocated for php (in php.ini the value for memory_limit was too short)

Everything is right know
thanks myself

Excuse my English


The following information is required to get an answer:
Get this information from the PHP diagnostic (in the configuration wizard).
Gallery version: 1.5
Apache version: 2.0.52
PHP version (don't just say PHP 4, please): PHP 4.3.10
Graphics Toolkit: ImageMagic
Operating system: Fedora Core 3
Web browser/version (if applicable): FireFox 1.02 & IE 6


Joined: 2002-10-30
Posts: 3236
Posted: Thu, 2005-04-14 23:02

Glad you resolved it yourself, that damn memory limit pops up in so many places ;)