[SOLVED] G1 Migrating issues.


Joined: 2004-05-20
Posts: 38
Posted: Sun, 2005-03-06 08:46

I'm having a migrating issue. For some reason trying to bring the G1 albums in doesn't seem to work at all. It's telling me that /public_html/gallery/albums is not a valid location

h0bbel's picture

Joined: 2002-07-28
Posts: 13451
Posted: Sun, 2005-03-06 08:55

You need to put in the full path to the albums dir, not a relative on. Re-Run the G1 config wizard, step 2 Locations and URL's tab has the full albums path on it. Copy that path into the migration module.


Joined: 2004-05-20
Posts: 38
Posted: Sun, 2005-03-06 08:59

Thanks <3