CSS class and Link for: Gallery Title

occy's picture

Joined: 2005-03-02
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2005-03-02 21:27

Under Gallery 1.5rc1, it doesn't have a CSS class specified for the Gallery Title. This seems quite silly to me. :)

Also, on the Step 2, in the configuration wizard, underneath the area where you put in the Gallery Title, you should have a form simply accepting a place to link to.

So if you call your Gallery Title:

My Cool Gallery

and enter a link for it. It is then becomes, well, a link. If you do not provide anything there, it won't be a link.

Sounds ultra super simple? no?

Before someone asks for a patch, I can't code, but I can do graphics and have volunteered to be the Project Leader for the UI team.
