I am using thumbplus for a long time and have thousand of photo now, reason i want to import thumbplus database into Gallery is that there is connect problem with mysql and poor web site feature!!!!!!!! Is there any way I can import database item like annotation, keywords, path, etc most important data to gallery?
tks, Paul
Gallery URL (optional):
Gallery version: 2
Webserver (with version): apache 1.3
Datatabase (with version): mysql 4.1
PHP version (eg 4.2.1): 4.3.3
phpinfo URL (optional):
Graphics Toolkit(s):
Operating system: winxp
Web browser/version: firefox 1.0
Posts: 32509
so you say thumbplus has a problem with mysql/website features or do you have a problem with mysql or does gallery have a problem?
at the moment, there's no thumbplus -> Gallery2 import script.
if you want to import thumbplus metadata into G2, you'll have to find a way to get information out of thumbplus in an automated way (with a script). what format do thumbplus data files have? is it an sql database? or a flat file (text) that can be parsed? are there import scripts from thumbplus to other applications?
do you know any programming language (php?) or are you asking others to do the job for you?
Posts: 22
thumbplus default use access database(i'm using now), it can use mysql, mssql etc. using ms ODBC. Thumbplus has a problem with mysql/website features! Gallery does it good!
I'm new to php and database....
I can export the database from access to mysql, I think tools like dbtools can do the import, I hope someone can do the script! not only for me, but for those who are interested in it!
Posts: 32509
i'm quite sure you'll need to do this in several steps.
1. understand the thumbsplus database
2. understand the G2 database (obsolete, but the best what we have: http://gallery.menalto.com/modules.php?set_albumName=miscellaneous&op=modload&name=gallery&file=index&include=view_album.php)
3. decide what can be imported from thumbsplus to G2 and which data should go where in G2
4. decide whether to go directly from ms access thumbsplus db to G2 db or if you need to do it 2 or more steps (step 1: export, step 2: process, step 3: import), preprocess the data in the ms access db or if you export the ms access db to (flat) text files (tab delimited) or ....
5. write the script
Posts: 22
It's quiet a good learning
I think the import and export way is easier for me now! I can restrict the export to a directory of pre-selected images. Then, I have to learn how to write the script.
Posts: 22
Hi! valiant,
I try the link but fail as follow: ( http://gallery.menalto.com/modules.php? ... album.php)
Security error! The file you tried to include is not on the approved file list. To include this file you must edit Gallery's index.php and add view_album.php) to the $safe_to_include array
Posts: 32509
here you go:
Posts: 22
Got it!