Connection between gallery and owner confused


Joined: 2005-01-12
Posts: 103
Posted: Mon, 2005-02-21 23:28

Is there a way to alter (correct, that is) a sub-album's "owner"? Since initial install a couple of months ago, logon id doesn't call up the approporiate album. Also fails when using My Album link.

Along those lines, is there a way to associate multiple user id's with a particular sub-album?


Gallery URL (optional)
Gallery version:2.0-alpha-4+ (2-15-04 snapshot)
Webserver (with version):Apache/2.0.48 (Fedora)
Datatabase (with version):mysql 3.23.58
PHP version (eg 4.2.1):4.3.4 cgi
phpinfo URL (optional):
Graphics Toolkit(s):GD, Imagemajick, NetPBM
Operating system:Linux
Web browser/version:MSIE 6.0

bharat's picture

Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Wed, 2005-02-23 06:10

In the "Edit Permissions" dialog you can change the owner of an album.

Right now there's no way to associate multiple user ids with an album, but it would not be that hard to write a module to do that if you know a little PHP and are willing to learn.