

Joined: 2002-08-15
Posts: 487
Posted: Mon, 2002-08-19 16:40

I saw somewhere that you were planning on supporting Imlib2 in Gallery2.
I just want to let you know that I think you would be much better off with
integrating ImageMagick instead. After playing around with Imlib2 and dacks
hacking away at dacks tool to make it better, I discovered that Imlib2 has
absolutely NO support for writing out gif files. Also, it's extremely lacking
in the amount of information it provides in regards to image details.

For instance, it can give you width, height and what the basic image type is.
Identify a .gif with it and all it will say is it's a gif file. Doesn't tell you which
kind of gif it is. Has no indication of whether it's animated, how many colours
it has or anything. It may be fast, but it's also horribly limited.

So, I just wanted to say that if you are going to spend time integrating another
image handling suite of tools, you make it ImageMagick which is much more
complete and won't require you to write your own tools before you can do anything.
Also, ImageMagick claims to already have support for JPEG2000 as long as
you have Jasper (one of the reference libraries) installed. It can identify them
but otherwise I haven't tested it. Jasper isn't a full implementation yet and I haven't
looked at any of the other 'commercial' implementations that are probably fully

bharat's picture

Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Tue, 2002-08-20 03:06

The good news is that G2 has a flexible, modular graphics system that will let us easily plug in image toolkits. We plan to support all the various toolkits. But yes, we'll probably prioritize ImageMagick higher than the rest as it's more stable, mature, popular, etc.