Imagemagick issues... randomly!


Joined: 2003-04-15
Posts: 12
Posted: Wed, 2005-02-09 20:20

Howdy folks... just randomly the other week, the ability to use Imagemagick bombed... I tried some stuff, but don't wanna reinstall so I'm using NetPBM for the time being. It's definitely not a binary problem because I tried a coupld different versions... here's what I get when using the lib/tools/test utility to activate ImageMagick:

Test: imagemagick :: ActivateModule [1 iteration(s)]
Timing: 0.0097 elapsed, 103.5298 per second

    * in modules/imagemagick/classes/ImageMagickToolkitHelper.class at line 229 (gallerystatus::error)
    * in modules/imagemagick/classes/ImageMagickToolkitHelper.class at line 48 (imagemagicktoolkithelper::discovermimetypes)
    * in modules/imagemagick/ at line 93 (imagemagicktoolkithelper::getoperationsandproperties)
    * in lib/tools/test/TestCase/ActivateModule.class at line 34 (imagemagickmodule::activate)
    * in lib/tools/test/TestCase.class at line 13 (activatemoduletestcase::teststart)
    * in lib/tools/test/index.php at line 223 (activatemoduletestcase::start)
    * in lib/tools/test/index.php at line 151
    * in lib/tools/test/index.php at line 47
    * in lib/tools/test/index.php at line 10


    * in modules/imagemagick/classes/ImageMagickToolkitHelper.class at line 229 (gallerystatus::error)
    * in modules/imagemagick/classes/ImageMagickToolkitHelper.class at line 48 (imagemagicktoolkithelper::discovermimetypes)
    * in modules/imagemagick/ at line 93 (imagemagicktoolkithelper::getoperationsandproperties)
    * in lib/tools/test/TestCase/ActivateModule.class at line 34 (imagemagickmodule::activate)
    * in lib/tools/test/TestCase.class at line 13 (activatemoduletestcase::teststart)
    * in lib/tools/test/index.php at line 223 (activatemoduletestcase::start)
    * in lib/tools/test/index.php at line 151
    * in lib/tools/test/index.php at line 47
    * in lib/tools/test/index.php at line 10


Gallery URL (optional):
Gallery version: a4-something
Webserver (with version): FreeBSD newer
Datatabase (with version): mySQL newer
PHP version (eg 4.2.1): 4.3.10
phpinfo URL (optional):
Graphics Toolkit(s): imagemagick / NetPBM
Operating system:
Web browser/version:

bharat's picture

Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Thu, 2005-02-10 18:04

You get this error when ImageMagick is not properly configured.

Try this. Go to the Site Admin -> Modules page and click the "uninstall" link on ImageMagick. Then click "install", and then try to activate it again. It may require you to configure it and enter a path to ImageMagick, but it should tell you if it can't find the binaries, etc.