The installation up to point 10 was a complete breeze!!! Compared to 1.x.x installation this was really a pleasure. I have two problems. The first and most urgent one is to point the Gallery software to "Local Server Upload Paths" (under admin), whatever i try, I get the error message: "The webserver does not have permissions to read that directory."
I have tried to create a folder called "uploadpics" at root level, under tmp, under "public_ftp" etc, etc
Question, should the path name be in the form:
root/tmp/uploadpics? And should there be a slash after that? Or should it be:
Or the same but with "ftp" in the beginning?
This is driving me mad right now.
Apart from that, this looks like it will be an outstanding release!
Problem two is with ImageMagick. Do I need it? And how do I install it? If you can give me the exact URL to which package I should download, that might be a good start. I downloaded, unpacked, uploade 26 Mb to the server, but when I point gallery to the right path, it doesn't recognize it. I am sure it is probably easier than what I make it out to be.
This is a UNIX server, should I UL "tar.gz" files for ImageMagick or what should I use?
Thankful for any advice on the above.
Gallery URL (optional): www.designburst.com/gallery2
Gallery version: gallery alpha 4
Webserver (with version):
Datatabase (with version):
PHP version (eg 4.2.1):
phpinfo URL (optional):
Graphics Toolkit(s):
Operating system:
Web browser/version: Safari mac
Posts: 32509
@local upload path:
you should enter the filesystem path, i.e. /tmp/uploadpics
don't enter a url (http:// / www. whatever), only filesystem paths.
perhaps your php is configured in a way that it is not allowed to access directories outside the webroot.
you either need image magick, netpbm or GD (preference in this order).
if you choose imagemagick, you'll have to compile it yourself. but i guess you're using a a linux distribution (redhat, gentoo, debian, suse, ...) with a packaging system. in this case, you could install a pre-compiled version, which is easier.
however, you said that you downloaded imagemagick. i don't think it's a precompiled package, is it?
Posts: 4
I am as always amazed and very grateful for the speed with which kind people here answer questions. I apologize for being a complete moron when it comes to this but I look forward to the rewardning time when a) I can help someone else who has the same problem, and b) the first time I open my new gallery and everything works flawlessly. Thanks for your answer!
Well, unfortunately I used the filesystem path first, it didn't work, and this is a web hotel which normally is very open, flexible and does not complicate things, the gave me shell access for the installing of Gallery 1.25. Ok, so that doesn't work...
I have no secrets on my server, and although I shouldn't, I can PM my login info if someone is nice enough to be willing to take a look.
As far as Image Magick goes, the files are up there but gallery will not recognize them. The specs of the server are as follows:
Apache Version
1.3.33 (Unix)
Perl Version
PHP Version
MySQL Version
Path to Perl
Thanks for your continued thoughts.
Posts: 2
Did you ever get the upload directory working?
Posts: 32509
mattwho, if you got a problem, please let us know.
This thread is inactive for months now. So I'd assume he'd have let us know if the problem persists (or he lost his interest in G2).