g2 cvs impressions + suggestions for various modules and UI

firepol's picture

Joined: 2004-05-19
Posts: 99
Posted: Wed, 2005-02-02 18:01


i've just retried g2 from CVS...

a few comments:

Installation script

if i want to create the storage folder inside a folder where the webserver has access (a folder chmodded 777) the installation script tells

The directory you entered does not exist

Suggestion: if the webserver has write access, update the script so that the script will create the folder...

Upload Archive Module

If I upload a file called "photos.zip", all the pictures are titled "photos.zip"

Suggestion: each picture should get as title its file name by default and not the zip file name...

Site Admin - Users

Suggestion: when editing a user, it would be useful to be able to "add user to group", so a menu providing the groups should be added...

i know that from the groups menu you can add users, but i think it's a useful feature to be able to do the opposite: very often admins are checking users and decide from the user page to assign a user to a specific group, and not the opposite...

Site Admin - Groups

Suggestion: in the action column the link "members" doesn't give me what i was expecting: it should be renamed "add members", else it should let you (when you click it) add or remove members from the group... a link called "remove members" should also be added in the actions column.

g2 seems very promising, i like it very much, the upload applet is ready, the unzipping archive is ready... im really looking forward for a beta version so that ill be able to use it in a "production" environment... what keeps me waiting is the fact that there will be no update scripts for alpha versions...

keep up the good work!

bharat's picture

Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Thu, 2005-02-03 07:06

Great feedback! Would you please file all of these as G2 feature requests on http://sf.net/projects/gallery for us? We'll get to them when we can and I don't want them to fall through the cracks. Thanks

firepol's picture

Joined: 2004-05-19
Posts: 99
Posted: Thu, 2005-02-03 14:48

-Installation script -step 4) storage folder automatic creation if webserver has write access- feature requested

-Upload Archive Module - picture title should be of picture, not of zip name - feature requested

-Site Admin - Users menu: add user to group - feature requested

-Site Admin - Groups menu - interface to be improved - feature requested

Ok, i filed them all.

Thanks bharat for considering my suggestions (i really like to be a beta - ok in this case: "alpha"- tester ;) )... this really motivates me to go and test more in depth g2!

I will for sure come back to the forum with more feedback.

By the way, as i understood it's better to discuss features in the forum before filing them on sourceforge, am i right? or should i post them directly on sourceforge?


Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Thu, 2005-02-03 15:03

i assume if bharat didn't like your feature requests, he wouldn't have asked you to add them to sf.net. plus, more people read the forums than the sf.net RFE lists, so you will get more feedback here in the forums.

Kirill's picture

Joined: 2004-12-22
Posts: 53
Posted: Thu, 2005-02-03 21:57

Bharat just wanted you to file them on SF so the dev team does not lose track of them. This way, they're all in one place.

firepol's picture

Joined: 2004-05-19
Posts: 99
Posted: Thu, 2005-02-03 22:14

it's ok, thanks, if i have more valuable (or at least that i think it's valuable) feedback i'll post it in this forum so that you can take a look at it and tell if it's worth a feature request or not.

keep up the good work guys and thank you for your replies