random/popular block behaviour and apearance


Joined: 2004-11-09
Posts: 5
Posted: Thu, 2005-01-27 08:09

Hi, couldn't find it through search, so decided to ask:

I've inserted random/popular images block into i-frame, but can't force images to show in one line, they ar always a column, also how to make links to open in a new window? i-frame atribute target=-blank or parent doesn't work...

mindless's picture

Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Thu, 2005-01-27 17:40

you can make a local modules/imageblock/templates/ImageBlock.tpl to change the layout, though this would affect blocks in the G2 sidebar too, if you have any.
make sure you're using a recent nightly build or update from cvs and go to image block Site Admin to see available parameters.. you want linkTarget.