Website Suggestion For Fixes to Common Problems


Joined: 2005-01-21
Posts: 3
Posted: Fri, 2005-01-21 22:57

Looking through the Help forums, it looks like there are many posts of the same problem (ie: unable to make thumbnails). A clearly written fix under a Common Fixes Tab or Menu Item would help users solve problems. Please have it written by a layman. Most of the replies I have read only make solving the problem more confusing.

For example, don't assume everyone understands:

Well, clearly your NetPBM path is incorrect, or you have used the wrong binaries. Which ones did you install? Did you chmod both the directory and files in it 755, and is the path correct?

If you installed Gallery from Fantastico, as I did, you know nothing about NetPBM or where it is located. How would the reader know if he used the wrong binaries? It is fairly easy to change permissions, but many wouldn't have the foggiest idea what the writer is talking about.

A user-friendly Fix section would benefit a very good product.

h0bbel's picture

Joined: 2002-07-28
Posts: 13451
Posted: Fri, 2005-01-21 23:25

rjschad, thanks for the feedback. We are looking into better faq management and a better way for end users to help themselves.

Our problem, with Fantastico especially, is that they have removed the setup/ dir, which means that it's users never have seen the Configuration Wizard at all. This also means that if the host(?) hasn't set up the Fantastico install correctly in the first place, it isn't easy for us to help. We try our best, we really do.

We would very much appreciate it of you could assist us in a better way of describing the solutions to the problems you encountered?