Embedding into phpClanWebsite

SoddOff's picture

Joined: 2005-01-19
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2005-01-19 07:35

I insalled a portal for my World of Warcraft guild and found that the gallery mod that was written for is really, in a word, sucked. It did not have the power of features I wanted in a gallery. Though a site a friend of mine runs I discovered this site (Gallery) and your lovely software. After I downloaded and installed the Gallery software I discovered that embeding it was not going to be an easy task. Or at least easy for a person that knows nothing about coding php...

With all that asside has anyone gotten Gallery to embed with phpClanWebsite (http://www.phpclanwebsite.com/)? I would like to allow my guild members to upload and manage their own albums, and that I think, where the challenge lies... I know this software can embed into other popular portals, I was hoping a person would help me with this.

Thanks in advance