Just downloaded a nightly build....
And it's says to report:-
Missing files (5)
Note: You're running Gallery from CVS, so there might be some missing files. If you see this, please report it in the forums.
* lib/adodb/perf/perf-mysql.inc.php
* lib/tools/phpunit/CodeAuditTestCase.class
* modules/cart/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/modules_cart.mo
* .../customfield/locale/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/modules_customfield.mo
* layouts/tile/templates/edit.tpl
I have started from scratch, so should I have installed the 'nice commits' version first and installed this over the top?
Nightly build was Gallery 2.2005-01-16-09-33-52
Posts: 7994
Those files haven't been deleted recently and I don't think that the nightlies are broken, so my guess is that something went wrong when you unpacked the nightly or when you uploaded it to your webserver. Can you try again and make sure that there aren't any missing files? Each nightly is a full copy of G2 so you can install one of them from scratch and it should work just fine.
Posts: 133
Excellent, thanks I'll do that with a new build.
Does not complain now bharat with the following days build...