I'm having the exact same problem.
I'm using Wink2K3 Server with IIS 6.0 and have turned on the debug mode to buffered.
Here is some of the output when I test the settings:
Executing: cmd /c " "C:\netpbm\ppmtogif.exe" "--version" 2>
"C:\home\crazyjacksons.com\g2data\tmp\g2d278.tmp" "
Regular Output:
Error Output:
Status: 1 (expected 0)
Executing: cmd /c " "C:\netpbm\jpegtopnm.exe" "--version" 2>
"C:\home\crazyjacksons.com\g2data\tmp\g2d279.tmp" "
Regular Output:
Error Output:
Status: 1 (expected 0)
Executing: cmd /c " "C:\netpbm\pnmtojpeg.exe" "--version" 2>
"C:\home\crazyjacksons.com\g2data\tmp\g2d27A.tmp" "
Regular Output:
Error Output:
Status: 1 (expected 0)
I have the IUSR_(machinename) user set with read & execute permissions on the folder and files for the netpbm directory.
I have also tried with ImageMagick with the same results.
It always displays:
giftopnm Failed
ppmtogif Failed
jpegtopnm Failed
pnmtojpeg Failed
pngtopnm Failed
pnmtopng Failed
tifftopnm Failed
pnmtotiff Failed
bmptopnm Failed
Error messages:
File does not exist
ppmtobmp Failed
Error messages:
File does not exist
pnmcomp Failed
jhead Failed
Please help!!!
Posts: 7994
Your problem is different from the topic you originally put this in, so I split it out into its own topic.
What happens if you run this from a command prompt:
Posts: 11
Nothing happens. It just returns me right back to the command prompt as if it executed and did not return an error message.
Posts: 11
If I type the following at the command prompt C:\>
cmd /c c:\netpbm\ppmtogif.exe --version
I get:
c:\netpbm\ppmtogif.exe: Using libnetpbm from Netpbm Version: Netpbm 10.18.4
c:\netpbm\ppmtogif.exe: Compiled Sat Dec 27 01:33:40 CET 2003 by user "KZLG"
c:\netpbm\ppmtogif.exe: BSD defined
c:\netpbm\ppmtogif.exe: RGB_ENV='RGBDEF'
c:\netpbm\ppmtogif.exe: RGBENV= 'RGBDEF' (env vbl is unset)
Not sure if any of that helps at all.
Posts: 13451
yodaddy, have you authorized cmd.exe in IIS and given the NETWORK SERVICE read/execute on the netpbm directory and binaries? IIS6 uses the NETWORK SERVICE as well as IUSR_<machinename> for executing binaries from an app.
Posts: 11
I have authorized the user IUSR_(machinename) and now NETWORK SERVICE to use cmd.exe, but I am still getting the same errors.
Any other suggestions?
Posts: 11