I am running Gallery 1.4.4 PL4
Several of my users are complaining that when they try to move photos, that there is no "move" button. Indeed, I have logged in myself as some of the users and witnessed this firsthand.
What might be the cause of this problem?
Thank you.
Posts: 13451
FAQ Gallery:c.16 might be the problem.
Posts: 106
Ok thank you... I take it that is the .htaccess file in the gallery directory and also that there are no brackets involved as in the example?
Posts: 13451
Correct on both counts.
Posts: 106
I have increased that to 20 megs and rebooted the server. Still no luck...
Any further thoughts?
Posts: 13451
Not really, anything in your apache error_logs?
Posts: 106
I'm not sure... what would I look for?
Posts: 13451
Anything pertaining to Gallery, memory limits and so on
Posts: 106
I see a few lines like this:
[Tue Dec 28 04:24:35 2004] [error] PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/hdnghtiu/public_html/gallery/classes/Album.php on line 1193
Other than that, just loads of 404's which I assume are people looking for files that do not exist.
Posts: 106
Checking back today... any ideas for me?
Posts: 2322
Well, the line indicates that there's a problem while retrieving the thumbnail for the image being viewed. (The highlight for the album being moved.)
Have you verified that the albums are actually intact? Are there any errors or problems occuring when viewing the albums in question?
Posts: 106
No, no problems viewing albums.
Posts: 106
Bumping back up. I am still searching for a solution.
Posts: 106
A user reports this error as well:
Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in
/home/hdnghtiu/public_html/gallery/classes/Album.php on line
Posts: 2
Hi !
You are not alone...
I have the same problem : no "move" button and no destination drop list !
Only with several albums !
I use Gallery v1.4.4 pl2 and this error occur since I have added and manipulated a large amount of photo....
Mc Clain
Posts: 106
Well, I sure wish we could find some help for this then.
Posts: 13451
Charlie, an McClain,
would also explain it. Increase the max execution time in php.ini and restart apache.
Posts: 106
I will give it a try.
How long should it be? I have 29166 images in my Gallery.
Posts: 13451
Try 60? 90? 120?
Posts: 106
I had a user wait for over 10 minutes.... he said it was still trying to load. I don't know if that is important information or not.
Posts: 106
init.php ?
Posts: 13451
Anything new in the error logs?
Posts: 6
I have destination drop lists, I see no buttons that arent loading, I can upload photos fine, there are really no problems anywhere...except that when moving photos there is no final move button!
I dont see a error or a image that shows me it cant load the button image.
Its simply not there.
Posts: 106
I still don't know what file you are telling me to edit.
Posts: 13451
Charlie, it's in PHP.INI.
Posts: 6
problem solved, I gave the programme more memory to use.
Posts: 106
Where is that file?
Posts: 106
I am wondering where the file php.ini is?
Posts: 106
Sure would like to know.
Posts: 13451
go to http://example.com/gallery/setup/phpinfo.php - it's listed on that page
Posts: 78
The same one...
Try to move.
I have a lot of folders (galleries).
Posts: 78
I have this settings:
max_execution_time = 300 ; Maximum execution time of each script, in seconds
memory_limit = 1000M ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (8MB)
More details for developers!!!
This problem happenes only with albums which have more than 150 images. About this value. So when I try to move gallery with more than 150 images, GD1 doesn't bring me a full list of all galleries!!! In other words I don't see Submit button.
Also the memory limit is not the problem
He is stats for http proccess which was trying to generate a full list of galleries to move into.
23089 www 4 0 17836K 12540K sbwait 0:20 37.99% 37.99% httpd
Yes. I am right. I just tried to move gallery with 30 pictures. And all is Ok.
Then I tried to move with 51 pictures. All is ok. With 56 images - all is Ok. Tried to move 456 images - the problem arrived. Please FIX!!!
Posts: 6
This issue just starting occuring on my gallery....157 top-level albums (2102 total), 38422 images. The particular error is a php maximum execution time exceeded in one of any number of files while attempting to move an image...ends up showing the select option box with no albums populated in it and no move button. Most often it displays Album.php on line 745 but shows different line numbers and different files occasionally. Altering memory and max execution time in the php.ini(and restarting apache) does not resolve it. Did a full clean install of gallery using the already existing gallery albums, too, and other gallery installs on the same server function fine. Admin can move any photo fine but it appears no users can regardless of their gallery size. Nothing in apache error logs nor in domlogs except a 200 for move_photo.php
Can't really think of anything that has changed recently in the environment other than a couple new users and the ever-uploading of files by existing ones.
gallery v1.4.4-pl4
apache 1.3.33
php 4.0.10
Posts: 3236
As you seem to be finding out, G1 doesn't really scale very well to huge gallery installations. Have you tried putting gallery into debug mode and doing this, though I don't know if this will gain you any new info. Just make sure your memory limit and max execution times are high. You may not be able to get away with ONLY changing it in your php.ini, if its set in a .htaccess file somewhere you'll need to remove or change that as well.
Posts: 78
I didn't have such problems in old versions of 1.4.* tree...
Posts: 78
Can some one of developers explain one thing.
HOW the amount of pictures in album which I want to move is connected with that move function???
As I understand gallery must change only 3-4 files, some lines in them, like parent album and list of albums in parent one.
So we have situation that albums with 50 fotos can be moved and with 1000 fotos can't.
Don't you see that it is a very silly situation.
Posts: 13451
Makc666, the problem is memory consumption by php. I can't explain it in more detail, but the bigger the album the more memory php uses.
Posts: 3236
It is probably loading information about each image and album into memory. If each image consumes 1k of memory (for example), 50 images is 50k. 1,000 images is 1,000k. Yes, it really is silly but unfortunatly it is the way it is and w/o a major re-write of gallery it probably can't be fixed.
But! By gosh, there IS a major re-write of gallery taking place! Gallery 2 is written from the ground up to not have silly problems
Could you try putting a file named (for example) test.php with "phpinfo();" in it in your /gallery/ dir? That will let us see your max execution and memory limits. You never answered if you made sure that you fixed the .htaccess file in your /gallery/ dir... cause mine has the following in it... which you might imagine would effect upload limits... yours may have memory or execution time limits in it.
In relation to that, did your gallery have fewer photos when you were using older versions of gallery? Was it on a different host? Could your host (or you?) have made any changes to the php environment since then?
Posts: 6
yeah, I figured it was due to scaling, fryfrog..was just looking for some code to alter since altering the php.ini and the .htaccess repeatedly stated 'max execution time of 30 seconds exceeded' no matter if 60, 90, whatever was set.
What I did to resolve it(and it works fine now) was since no changes to the php.ini nor .htaccess altered 30 seconds showing up in the error, what that told me was that the set_time_limit function was being used in the code so I grepped for that and found that it was indeed being used in instances such as in move_photo.php. set_time_limit($gallery->app->timeLimit); so, I then grepped for timeLimit which shows in a few files but silly me, it is also a config value in config.php
Altered it from 30 to 60 and now works fine.
What I did on the 'clean' install was copy all new files but put the old config.php back in and I imagine $gallery->app->timeLimit in config.php is a variable based on the initial install and detection of PHP at that time. Anyway, try changing that Makc666 and see if it works for ya.
Posts: 3236
ahhaah, as i started reading the first line i was thinking "humm, isn't there a max execution time in the setup wizard and config.php"
Posts: 6
yeah, I shortcutted the new install and if I did it right, with the php.ini set to a higher value it probably would have worked...habit of doing that I think
But, on the plus side I wouldn't have really known why so I'll take it. This is a great script and have had a minimum of issues with it...am suprised it can still perform as well as it does with nearly 40k images(about 11 GB's;hehe) and 2000+ folders. Think I need to make another donation.
Posts: 78
I wrote above that I set
max_execution_time = 300 ; Maximum execution time of each script, in seconds
memory_limit = 1000M ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (8MB)
Is it 1GB of data is not enough? ;)
Thank you.
I set
$gallery->app->timeLimit = "600";
and I can finaly move album with 1000 fotos.
I am so happy!!! :P
So. I can't understand now ONE GREAT THING.
Developers tell as on this site in its FAQ to change
max_execution_time =
memory_limit =
in php.ini
But now it is bringed out that max_execution_time has no effect as there is one more "cool" swich in config.php.
Am I right that there is no any word in FAQ about
$gallery->app->timeLimit = "30"; ?