Granting/Removing Album Permissions thru geeklog


Joined: 2004-07-28
Posts: 8
Posted: Sat, 2004-12-11 23:23

I am unable to remove permissions for an album if I use a GroupID to grant the permissions as opposed to using an individual user.

I created a new group "GalleryUser" which will enable specific individuals to add/update photo albums using their own individual userID. In the past, I've been using individual userID's but later on would be too time consuming.

Anyways, if I use a non-user "group" instead of the individual user-id, I am unable to remove that entry from the permissions screen. If I highlight it and click the remove-arrow, an attempt is made but no changes occur. No error log is generated either. If I try to add "NOBODY" to the permissions, it is not carried over.

It does work fine with individual userID's. Only with group-level ID's only does it not work.

It seems the only way (for now) is to delete the album and recreate it. But I prefer not to do that as there are sub-albums beneath it.

I'm using the current Apache/GeekLog/Gallery setup. Been working great for months unchanged.

Please advise!
