Hello, Thank you for great product. I have a few questions and error reports.
1. I'd like to change the wording for 'Add Sub-Album' to 'Add Album' or even 'Create New Album'. This is due to my user base and gallery setup.
Can you tell me what file (or language) file to edit to change this verbage.
2. Every once in awhile we click on an image and we get nothing but some text saying PCON! on the top left and a white screen. Then I press refresh and it seems to work.
3. While in admin if you edit/delet a comment it brings you to a 'page not found' on the webserver. The changes take effect but, its sending you to a dead end.
4. I'd like to include a PHP page as a common header. This doesn't seem to be allowed in a .tpl file. I changed the global.tpl to global.tpl.local and some changes worked.. but, I'm still not able to use PHP and include the whole page header. Is their another place I can insert the HTML and use an include for our sites header?
5. Some thumbnails are still not working on some of the albums. I'm not sure why but, If I press refresh it seems to work. Most are working fine though. Occassionaly I see this within the RANDOM photos area and the search. Everything seems to be working good. I'm guessing a large album has thumbnails that need to be re-done. It appears once the thumbnails are refreshed/loaded they work fine from that point onward.
I have been having the (make thumbnails) on G1 Import and otherwise, so I was suprised to still see this on occasion.
I'll end for now, Thank you and I hope you find some of my questions helpful.
Posts: 164
I'd love to know how to do this too! :p
Posts: 8601
1) if you just want to change the english text, edit modules/core/module.inc and find that string.. if you want to change multiple languages then additionally read the localization docs in the docs directory.. it's a bit more involved to do this..
2) already fixed in current cvs/nightly snapshot
3) what are the exact steps to reproduce? i tried and it works for me.
4) use {php} .. {/php} instead of <?php .. ?>
Posts: 22
Hi Mindless, Thank you for the great fixes. I guess I have two more questions/errors now.
1. I have allot of new users complaining of "allot" of red X's being displayed. I mentioned this as #5 in my post above. I'm looking for a way to fix this or is this a common error that is still open.
2. You may have written this somewhere else, but I'll ask here myself. With these newer versions/build (Alpha 4) what is the best way to install and upgrade the nightly builds? (and keep your existing data)?
3. I was experimenting with the slidshow module today. I'm trying to set the default to be 5 second intervals , with 640x640. I changed <selected> option in the template and this changed in the display.. BUT.. the settings did not seem to take? How would I go about changing this? Also I'm interested to have the slideshow image centered as well.
Thank you again.
Posts: 8601
1. without more information (url, error message, debug output, steps to reproduce, system info, etc) i really have no idea
2. we don't yet support upgradability, though upgrade support has recently been added. see G2 FAQ (sticky topic in this forum) for info on using the current code
3. at the bottom of the tpl just before // ]]> add: new_delay(5); new_size(1);
Posts: 22
Thank you again. Here is my url.
I'll will send more info as I get it.
Posts: 8601
quite possibly the PCON thing causes the image problems.. let us know if the problem still exists after you updated from cvs or daily snapshot.