GD support instead


Joined: 2002-12-02
Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 2002-12-02 21:58

Is there a possibility of adding gd to the possibilities to create thumbnails? I know it's not as good as netpbm, but it may solve some of the "exec() disabled" issues (like I have)


Joined: 2002-08-15
Posts: 487
Posted: Thu, 2002-12-05 20:01

This isn't really feasible for Gallery 1.x as GD is a php extension that requires
GD be installed on the server, and also that php was compiled to use it as well.
Good luck finding an ISP that supports that. PHP 4.3.0 includes a modified version
of GD to better integrate with PHP, but you still have to compile it into PHP itself
in order to have it available.

Someone can probably write a module for Gallery 2.x at some point to use native
GD support if available, but you won't see it added into Gallery 1.x unless some
enterprising soul creates a very thorough patch that doesn't break anything else.

If you are just interested in it for personal use, then feel free to modify your copy
of Gallery to use the GD functions. Thanks to my ImageMagick work, this should
be much simpler to do in 1.3.2 then it would have been previously as I purposefully
left room for others to expand without having to rewrite a lot of the code as I did.

Just keep in mind that GD is still a bit limited in what you can do and has no GIF
support whatsoever. I started doing some work on Imlib2 support, but scrapped
it after realizing how 'uncomplete' it still is and most likely will forever remain.

Just as a sidenote to point out yet another barricade to using GD is that it, just like
PHP's exif support, is different for nearly every release of PHP. Features that exist
in later versions either don't exist in earlier ones, or are broken/buggy. It'd be nice
if everyone kept up with the latest version, but thats sadly not the case.