Why Standalone Howto sticky?

SamBeckett's picture

Joined: 2002-09-29
Posts: 146
Posted: Mon, 2004-11-01 22:56

Where is the Standalone random block files?

And why inst there a HOWTO sticky for it?


h0bbel's picture

Joined: 2002-07-28
Posts: 13451
Posted: Mon, 2004-11-01 23:04

http://yoursite.com/gallery/block-random.php :-) It's included in the main Gallery package now.

As for the sticky, I really don't know.

signe's picture

Joined: 2003-07-27
Posts: 2322
Posted: Mon, 2004-11-01 23:05

And why inst there a HOWTO sticky for it?

Because all you need to do is include it... there are no special directions like there are when it's being used in a CMS.

SamBeckett's picture

Joined: 2002-09-29
Posts: 146
Posted: Mon, 2004-11-01 23:25

I didnt know it was in the package now :( But I see it!

I just found http://www.barcahall.com/gallery-block-random.html from searching these forums, it has some more features.

However I cant get it to work, I get "The page cannot be displayed" when I go directly to the page

and i get the following when I include

Warning: main(http://www.mysite.com/gallery/block-random.php): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! 0®?񏅠in /home/httpd/vhosts/mysite.com/httpdocs/footer.php on line 28

Warning: main(): Failed opening 'http://www.mysite.com/gallery/block-random.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/share/pear') in /home/httpd/vhosts/mysite.com/httpdocs/footer.php on line 28
h0bbel's picture

Joined: 2002-07-28
Posts: 13451
Posted: Mon, 2004-11-01 23:42

What is your actual URL?

SamBeckett's picture

Joined: 2002-09-29
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Posted: Mon, 2004-11-01 23:45
h0bbel's picture

Joined: 2002-07-28
Posts: 13451
Posted: Mon, 2004-11-01 23:47

mysite.com does not have a Gallery install...

SamBeckett's picture

Joined: 2002-09-29
Posts: 146
Posted: Mon, 2004-11-01 23:53

ok, sent you the site in a IM

h0bbel's picture

Joined: 2002-07-28
Posts: 13451
Posted: Mon, 2004-11-01 23:55

Well, if you try to access that directly, it seems like your apache is crashing for some reason. Check your apache error_logs for any clues.

SamBeckett's picture

Joined: 2002-09-29
Posts: 146
Posted: Tue, 2004-11-02 00:00

nuthing in error_log for the web page,

in /etc/httpd/logs/error_log

im seeing

Allowed memory size of 29360128 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 64 bytes)

h0bbel's picture

Joined: 2002-07-28
Posts: 13451
Posted: Tue, 2004-11-02 00:03

Well, something is acting up on your server.

SamBeckett's picture

Joined: 2002-09-29
Posts: 146
Posted: Tue, 2004-11-02 00:06

guess I have to allow more then 28megs per request.

how many megs should i set in my php.ini if I have about 10,000 images?

h0bbel's picture

Joined: 2002-07-28
Posts: 13451
Posted: Tue, 2004-11-02 00:09

LOADS. Thats about as accurate as I can be. :-)

SamBeckett's picture

Joined: 2002-09-29
Posts: 146
Posted: Tue, 2004-11-02 00:10

humm, ok, set it to 48megs and no go.

set it to 148 and it works.

someone should make a chart for memory settings Vs number of photos.

OYEA!! thanks for the help :P you rock

h0bbel's picture

Joined: 2002-07-28
Posts: 13451
Posted: Tue, 2004-11-02 17:12

SamBeckett, it all depends on the album sizes, picture sizes and so on. There is no exact science involved. Glad you got it sorted though.


Joined: 2002-09-01
Posts: 23
Posted: Mon, 2005-03-21 03:20

My install has got about 7000 images contained in 200 albums.

My random block didn't work, so I started changing the php memory limit around. Started at 8, didn't work. Then 12, 16, 32, 40. Still didn't work. Changed it to 64, worked OK.

I wanted to find out the minimum memory consumption, so I started backing down the limit. Now 8meg of RAM works OK.

Same code, so changes to the gallery including uploads at all.

Wonder if I'm going to encounter this problem again when the cache needs to be refreshed and there's not 64 meg available. We'll see tomorrow. :-?


Joined: 2004-02-12
Posts: 65
Posted: Sun, 2005-04-24 04:43
SamBeckett wrote:
humm, ok, set it to 48megs and no go.

set it to 148 and it works.

someone should make a chart for memory settings Vs number of photos.

OYEA!! thanks for the help :P you rock

I set it to 300 and no go. my gallery www.myfijifriends.com/gallery/

i have more than 10 000 photos.... pity


Joined: 2002-10-30
Posts: 3236
Posted: Sun, 2005-04-24 05:35

It only uses up TONS of ram while it builds the cache file. So if the time out is 1 week, it will only use up that ram when it needs to be rebuilt. This is why after you found the "working" value of 64M, you were able to drop back to 8M. For testing, you could set the time out very low (30 seconds) or you could just leave it at 64M :)

Be sure to re-start apache! If you don't do this, the setting in php.ini doesn't take affect. Also be sure the memory limit isn't being set somewhere else (like a .htaccess file).


Joined: 2004-02-12
Posts: 65
Posted: Sun, 2005-04-24 19:50

well i decided i upgrade my dedicated server to 1 gig of ram and a raid HD and 2.4 GH proccessor.

I upped php memory to 600 and time out to 300 and max time a script may execut to 300. ran the script, just a blank page. i do not even get an error.
i checked my error log and made sure the error is from my ip as well

ran tail -f error_log

PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/httpd/vhosts/myfijifriends.com/httpdocs/gallery/classes/Album.php on line 2105

any idea anyone?

Also I was using G2 for testing and i am able to only import 7000 photos, after that, it just errors on some photos, id go and delete the photo that it is stuck in in G1 but than id go thru and get stuck again.......

maybe i shouuld split my gallery installtion?

fryfrog wrote:
It only uses up TONS of ram while it builds the cache file. So if the time out is 1 week, it will only use up that ram when it needs to be rebuilt. This is why after you found the "working" value of 64M, you were able to drop back to 8M. For testing, you could set the time out very low (30 seconds) or you could just leave it at 64M :)

Be sure to re-start apache! If you don't do this, the setting in php.ini doesn't take affect. Also be sure the memory limit isn't being set somewhere else (like a .htaccess file).