Try and try again... :)
Joined: 2002-12-14
Posts: 48 |
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I didn't get much attention from the other Forums so I thought I'd try it here... First question, is it true the main gallery is also the top level album? If so, shouldn't it also contain [permission] option much like any other subalbums? Why should it you ask? Well, because Gallery allows users to create their own album and if I don't want users to create albums from the top level(main album), there's no way of preventing them from doing that. Show me you ask? Here... Am I alone?...heheee :o |
Posts: 48
Y'all don't jump in all at once now, yer hear? :roll:
Posts: 48
Alright, I've just added another 150GB of free space so that my friends can start making their albums. But I'd still like to know if there's away to prevent them from creating albums in the main gallery....anyone?
Do I need to upgrade? Do I need to hack the code(I'd prefer not).
Otherwise, I'd like to have my donation back! heheee...not! joking here..
Posts: 239
I believe the top level album does not have permissions from a user other than admin to add albums, or at least that is the way it used to be.
You must create any 1st level albums, and assign appropriate permissions.
IE: create a "members" album inside the root album, and let any logged in users create new albums.
Is that what you were asking?
Posts: 48
I believe there is. I created a regular user account with the "User can create album" set to "yes" and that user was able to create albums. From the top level album, with the regular user account logged in, I was able to create an album and subalbums.
Yes in fact. And I've already done that. The problem is, as I've stated before, is that the top level album does not have the option, even for the administrator, to set permissions. In other words, the top-level album does not have the [permission] option.
I've found something that may have solved my problem, another way perhaps.
With a regular user account created with the option "User can create albums" set to "yes", that user CAN create an album from top-level down including subalbums.
HOWEVER, with that same account changing the "User can create albums" set to "no", that account will not have the option to create a "new album" from the top-level BUT is allowed only to create about that!
The account "testme" was created with the "User can create albums" set to "yes". And so the [new album] is available. On the other hand, another account "foo" was created with the "User can create albums" set to "no". And so the [new album] options is not shown. This user, foo, cannot create "new album" from the top level album BUT can create subalbums, which is good. See the link below:
IMHO, in the [permission] option for each album, the object "Users who can create subalbums." should just be eliminated since this permission is already taken care of when creating the user account anyway. Or otherwise, change the user creation account program and remove the option "User can create album" entirely so that the [permission] setting will handle it all.
Pick one and not two. If both exist, it just creates confusion.
I have not fully tested and tried every permission setting available in Gallery...and so, if I overly stated my findings or otherwise, I apologize in advance...
Thanks for replying, btw.
Posts: 239
Yes, that is what I meant (sorry i dont use G1 much.
Now its coming back to me, even though the user does not have permission to create albums, if they own an album, or the album has permissions that allow them to create albums specifically, that will work.