The info I want must be on this site somewhere. I run a site myself so I can appreciate that you'd rather I spent the time searching before asking. But there is a practical time limit here. My apologies.
I just can' seem to find a concise spec of what is planned for 2.0, and when it might be released.
Specifically, I need the sql database, and then I want to feed my own users into it, so they don't actually see the logon business. Then I want to control access/feature set/bandwidth by user record.
I am going to use your code as a base for hacking up my solution (yeah yeah, I'll donate, if I get this thing far enough along).
So I am curious to know how much if any sql stuff has been done.
Please point me to the url or doc.
Thank you.
Nice site, nice clean code, excellent idea and execution, kudos to all of you.
Posts: 7994
Here's the feature list for G2:
There is no detailed spec at the moment. It's mostly in my head and in various notes
in my development environment. Expect G2 to have all the G1 feature, though.
There's no planned release date. We're inching towards having enough functionality
to call it an alpha stage, but there's plenty of features to write and UI to polish.
Get the G2 code and play with it to see where things stand.