[patch] Multiple Image editing


Joined: 2004-10-04
Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 2004-10-04 09:25

Hi all,

On the sourceforge website of gallery, there is a task on gallery 1 to allow multiple image editing.

I made a patch to allow to edit multiple images in one shot. The patch is on sourceforge http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1030355&group_id=7130&atid=307130, file batch_editing.tar.gz.

This is not a complete patch but it already allows to rotate/flip many pictures in one single step.

If one of the Gallery 1.x developper has some time to take it a look; I'll be very happy... :wink:

ps: the proposed patch has been generated on the CVS version b211.

batch_editing.tar.gz14.56 KB