
lancets's picture

Joined: 2004-07-11
Posts: 15
Posted: Sun, 2004-09-26 22:24

I've used the "Users who can view full sized (original) images" permission on some albums to restrict full-sized images to logged-in users. This lets public users view the albums, but not have access to the full sized images.
So, how about adding an option to restrict the intermediate sized images as well? This way you can allow public users to view the thumbnails, but they can't see anything else unless they are logged-in. I've currently got some albums that are entirely restricted, but I wish I could let guests see the thumbnails.
Also, since I'm running Gallery in a CMS, this feature would allow guests to see thumbnails, but would help to entice them to register for an account to get beyond the thumbnails. Also was thinking that an option like this might make the random-block module work better with some albums, since it currently won't display anything unless guests have access to images. If we could restrict access to anything larger than a thumbnail, then granting guest access to the albums (thumbnails only) might not be as much of an issue.