Hi folks,
unfortunatelty I have a problem with uploading pictures and get a message like many other people do. I already read the FAQ and saw my problem but couldn't fix it. It says:
Processing status...
- Adding img_05422.jpg
Resizing/compressing original image
No resizing required
File /home2/foofight/public_html/gallery/albums/Pics/img_05422.jpg type 2.
'c:\gallery/jpegtopnm' '/home2/foofight/public_html/gallery/albums/Pics/img_05422.jpg' | 'c:\gallery/pnmscale' -xysize 150 150 | 'c:\gallery/ppmtojpeg' --quality=90 > '/home2/foofight/public_html/gallery/albums/Pics/img_05422.thumb.jpg'
Debug messages::
sh: line 1: c:\gallery/jpegtopnm: No such file or directory
sh: line 1: c:\gallery/pnmscale: No such file or directory
sh: line 1: c:\gallery/ppmtojpeg: No such file or directory
Status: 127 (expected 0)
Error: Unable to make thumbnail (0)
Need help? Look in the Gallery FAQ
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I use Netpbm 10.24 as the picture program. The path to it is to my hardrive. Do I have to upload Netpbm or is it fine like this? Cause I tried to upload it once and it didn't work this way.....
And do I really need an installed Apache server on my PC????
Rest of the information see below.....
Thanks for any help, please help me to solve this problem,
Gallery URL (optional but very useful): -
Gallery version: 1.4.4-pl2
Apache version: ?
PHP version (don't just say PHP 4, please): PHP v4.3.8
Graphics Toolkit: Netpbm 10.24
Operating system: Win XP
Web browser/version (if applicable): IE 6.0
Posts: 6818
you need netpbm on your Server ;)
So either use the preinstalled netpbm or ImageMagick (ask your hoster)
Or upload netpbm to your server and enter the path in the configuration.
Posts: 14
That"s what I thought, too. But when I enter the path in the Config Wizard [/home2/foofight/public_html/netpbm] (that's where netpbm is uploaded), it shows me this error at step 4 of the config wizard:
So what should I do then??????
Thanks so far,
Posts: 14
ok, I uploaded another version of netbpm and the config wizard accepted it....... (version netpbm-10.18.4-bin)
but I still get the failure message when I try uploading the pictures.....
so a small difference in status (126 instead of 127), but still the same problem. please help me, i'm getting insane...... :-?
Posts: 8194
OK ... the error does kind of look self-explanatory ...
1) Make sure that your NetPBM binaries are chmodded 0755, and also the directory (and all parent directories) they are in
2) Then, try using FAQ Gallery:c.32 to verify that the path you're using is the correct path to NetPBM
It's also worth mentioning that you need to be sure you have the right binaries for your system ... use Netcraft ( http://netcraft.com/whats ) to verify that you've downloaded the right binaries.
Posts: 14
ok, i think i'm getting closer to getting it working.....
but it's still not working right now.....
when I start this test.php file it says that the folder should be:
but then again step 4 isn't working.
if i say
i can finish the wizard properly, but uploading still impossible.
Netcraft tells me that my Server OS is Linux. [Other server infos are
I don't know if I downloaded the Linux binaries. Can you please give me a direct link (or almost direct link) to the linux binaries?! I couldn't find them by myself.......
I so close to making it work............ :x
thanks, foofighter
Posts: 8194
OK ... whatever test.php says is true ... if the config wizard doesn't recognize it, then there's something else wrong
Link to the binaries: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=7130&package_id=14464&release_id=243256 (linux-intel is probably what you want)
Verify that you're using the Linux binaries, they're chmodded correctly, etc.. and see if the config wizard recognizes
Posts: 14
hi there, when I just give the folder where these unpacked binaries are in, it doesn't work.....so I put the binaries in the bin folder of the version netpbm-10.18.4-bin that I had already uploaded.
But I still have to give this folder in the config wiz so that it works....
When I try to upload a picture now, it says:
But these files are all chmodded correctly, they are all executable......
I don't understand that....
Oh, and I can now see that a pic has been uploaded, because it shows me a "pic" with the red cross in the gallery (so the pic cannot be displayed.....)
Please help me
Posts: 8194
Well .. your host isn't Windows-based, so a windows-based jhead executable (jhead.exe) isn't going to work ... Grab the right jhead binary for your system (some sort of Linux/Unix) or don't use jhead.
Posts: 14
ok, I deleted the path to jhead, but it's still not working.
Failure message is now:
Posts: 14
when I try to upload the pictures with "Gallery Remote" I don"t get any failure message.
But the uploaded pictures in the gallery look like this:
Posts: 13451
Check FAQ Gallery:c.11
Posts: 14
hi there, that didn't work. The albums directory is right. I tried to change the path to
(because the pictures are in this Pics folder) but then I couldn't log in any longer. Even changing the folder in the config.php didn't work. So I had to reset my admin password.....
Now I can login again but my problem isn't solved yet.......
And I had a look at the files in the "albums/Pics" folder and saw that there were some files called for example
. I have about ten of these files (the last number always changes) because I tried to upload this picture several times. But these files all have the size 0 kB and there are empty. So that's why I think that the albums folder is right but Netpbm is still not working properly and not creating right thumbnails.
When I try to delete those thumbnail files with WsFTP (version 9) it doesn't work. I don't know why.......
When I try to upload pics, it still says:
Does this say anything good or bad??
Thanks for your help so far, I really want to make this work....
Posts: 14
@h0bbel or @alindeman:
maybe I can write you a PM with the adress and the password so that you can have a look at all my settings?!
Posts: 14
Any suggestions or help?
It's still not working......
Thanks, foofighter
Posts: 13451
What is the URL for your site?