[french]problem with setlocale and the month name


Joined: 2004-08-30
Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 2004-08-30 04:29

There is a problem to display the name of the month. I don't know much about gallery, but I found if I put "$gallery->app->locale_alias['fr_FR'] = 'fr_FR.ISO8859-1';" in my config.php file, the name is displayed correctly.

I think the function "setlocale" doesn't have the right parameters and then the date are returned in UTF-8, instead of ISO8859-1.

The problem with this fix is each time I change the configuration, this line disappear from my config.php file. It would be nice not have a fix and not even have to add it to the file.

Also, is there a reason to not use UTF-8 encoding ?

And one last thing, I'm willing to assist the guy in charge of the translation if he needs some help, who should I contact ?

Thank you,

Tim_j's picture

Joined: 2002-08-15
Posts: 6818
Posted: Mon, 2004-08-30 04:46

Hello Jerome,

this setting should be done via the configuration.
If this is not possible for some reason, there might be various reasons for this.
In this case i would like you to contact me via mail, IRC, or ICQ, and we can investigate.

You could make a fr_FR.utf8 language pack ;)
Currently we do not use generally UTF8, because this would break embedding into postNuke, phpNuke and other environment, as they do not use UTF8.
Maybe we switch this for Gallery 1.5 (will be 2005)
Gallery 2 is completely UTF8

Last thing: me ;)

