IPTC support request


Joined: 2003-09-13
Posts: 13
Posted: Sun, 2004-08-29 03:46


I'd like to chime in on the requests for IPTC support in Gallery. I'd also like to put my money where my mouth is, I'll chip in $100 to the project if it can be added.

I saw one post that asked what people would like to see in IPTC support, how it would be used. I'd like to see something that listed the IPTC field name and field contents on separate lines on any image page, similar to the way captions are listed now. Each field should be on one line for legibility, such as:

IPTC Caption: here's my wonderful picture of a sunset
IPTC Keywords: sunset
IPTC Copyright: © 2004 Roger Carlson

I'd also like it to read the IPTC info every time, unlike the current IPTC patch. This way, I could edit my IPTC captions offline using photoshop or portfolio, and re-load the edited picture directly onto my server's hard drive and get the new data to display, without having to delete and re-upload using the normal gallery interface. Yes, I may have to regenerate thumbs and watermarks.

Captioning is tedious, tedious, tedious. And copyrights are critical. Both should be tied to the picture with IPTC and travel everywhere with it, never to be lost or re-entered.

