I'm trying to install with a PostgreSQL 7.x database that is working fine for phpBB. I followed the instructions to create database and user, then installed G2 via CVS. I get to step 7 of the install GUI, and it breaks.
I get the following stack trace output:
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryStorage/DatabaseStorage.class at line 484 (gallerystatus::error)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryStorage.class at line 133 (postgresqldatabasestorage::saveentity)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryEntity.class at line 270 (gallerystorage::saveentity)
* in modules/core/CoreModuleExtras.inc at line 274 (gallerygroup::save)
* in modules/core/CoreModuleExtras.inc at line 229 (coremoduleextras::_createallusersgroup)
* in modules/core/module.inc at line 627 (coremoduleextras::install)
* in install/steps/InstallCoreModuleStep.class at line 49 (coremodule::install)
* in install/index.php at line 130 (installcoremodulestep::loadtemplatedata)
The debug output is about 4,000 lines, so I'm only including the first error:
postgres7 error: [-1: ERROR: relation "g2_pluginparametermap" does not
exist] in EXECUTE("
g2_PluginParameterMap.g_pluginType = 'module'
g2_PluginParameterMap.g_pluginId = 'core'
g2_PluginParameterMap.g_itemId = 0
Any ideas?
Posts: 8601
That particular error in your debug output doesn't relate to the stack trace. Do you see an "INSERT INTO g2_Group"? Are there any rows in g2_Group?
How many tables are in the db? Based on where your error occurred it should have created all the tables.
Posts: 10
No, the "INSERT INTO g2_Group" text is not there. There is "INSERT INTO g2_Schema", but no group.
The entire debug output is (temporarily) at:
I'm very new to postgreSQL, so I'm not sure I know how many tables/rows there are. I tried:
isuzupup_g2-> \d g2_*
and got:
Did not find any relation named "g2_*".
So, if I'm reading that correctly, it did not create any tables.
Posts: 8601
I think your tables were created.. you can see all the "CREATE TABLE" and "INSERT" sql statements in the debug output that completed ok. Looks like it errored out in "INSERT INTO g2_Entity" just before it would insert to g2_Group. The error is:
The insert for any new Entity should include g_islinkable in the INSERT. Can you edit your modules/core/CoreModuleExtras.inc file? Line 274 is:
$ret = $group->save();
Just before this line add:print_r($group);
Then rerun the installer and you paste the text that appears at the top of the install-core-module step into this thread.btw, what PHP version are you using?
Posts: 8601
Oh, that's why I didn't see the problem when I looked at the code.. bharat just fixed it last night. Update from CVS and I think this should be resolved.
Posts: 10
EDIT: Okay, I was working on this reply as you posted your previous note about the fix in CVS. I'll try it, and post again. Please ignore the following for now.
Here ya go. Almost couldn't find it, but you said "at the top".
Object ( [_groupType] => 2 [_groupName] => All Users [_id] => 1 [_creationTimestamp] => 1093541460 [_isLinkable] => 0 [_linkId] => [_linkedEntity] => [_modificationTimestamp] => 1093541460 [_serialNumber] => 1 [_entityType] => GalleryGroup [_persistentStatus] => stdClass Object ( [flags] => 1 [modified] => Array ( [id] => 1 [creationTimestamp] => 1 [entityType] => 1 [groupName] => 1 [groupType] => 1 [modificationTimestamp] => 1 [serialNumber] => 1 ) [originalValue] => Array ( [id] => [serialNumber] => 0 [creationTimestamp] => [entityType] => [isLinkable] => [groupName] => [groupType] => [modificationTimestamp] => ) ) )
PHP version is: php-4.3.8-2.1
BTW, I'm seeing an error that seems to refer to an older version of postgreSQL:
Warning: pg_exec(): Query failed: ERROR: relation
"g2_pluginparametermap" does not exist in
on line 687
I have no clue what this means, however.
Posts: 10
Looks like that did it!