G2 enance: Make's NETPBM, ImageMagick,... optional & Ita

g.martano's picture

Joined: 2002-11-19
Posts: 8
Posted: Tue, 2002-11-19 10:36

Hi, excuse me for my imperfect english (i'm italian), i'm interested in the development of G2, i've two question/proposal to submit:
1) i would like to know if there is already someone to translate G2 in Italian version...if not i'm here...
2) the second is a proposal for new enance in G2, to have as optional the use of a tool for image processing (NETPBM, ImageMagick). The reason is that free hosting services over the internet have PHP/MySQL (i'm using Italian Lycos) but not image prosessing tool. Making optional their use ...G2 can be hosted on more server over the internet (thumbnail can be dowloaded with his image file)...

Regards, giovanni


Joined: 2002-09-08
Posts: 10
Posted: Tue, 2002-11-19 13:43
2) the second is a proposal for new enance in G2, to have as optional the use of a tool for image processing (NETPBM, ImageMagick). The reason is that free hosting services over the internet have PHP/MySQL (i'm using Italian Lycos) but not image prosessing tool. Making optional their use ...G2 can be hosted on more server over the internet (thumbnail can be dowloaded with his image file)...

This option is already in the 1.3.2 beta (which should be released as final soon) and will be in G2 along with database choices (flat-file, MySQL, etc...)

bharat's picture

Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Wed, 2002-11-20 04:49
1) i would like to know if there is already someone to translate G2 in Italian version...if not i'm here...

I'd be happy to have you translate G2 into Italian. Please join the gallery-devel mailing list (see the "mailling lists" link to the left), get the latest G2 code and then read the docs/Localizing document to learn how to perform a translation. Thanks!