Voting Results

Daneel's picture

Joined: 2004-08-15
Posts: 2
Posted: Sun, 2004-08-15 16:51


I love gallery, I've been using it since years. I also love the new polling feature, here are some suggestions to make it even better:

When the voting results are enabled, they show on every page of the album. I'd really love an option to have these results on a seperate page only, e.g. the first page of an album.

I would also love an option to show thumbs of the pictures in the voting results instead of only the image name.

Less priority:
An option to enable showing the popularity (based on votes) of every image below its thumbnail (where the "Viewed: x times." line is shown right now).

It would be great if votes would update as you chose an option on the album page. That way there won't be the danger that you forget to hit "Vote". Basically the same behaviour which occurs when chosing an option on the page for an individual picture. This should be optional, as it's not optimal when you have many thumbs on a page (reloading everytime an option is chosen would be non-optimal).

I think this would make this feature even better, what do you think?

All the best,

ps: Take a look at my gallery: