G2 Fatal error: Class 'GalleryModule' not found


Joined: 2004-07-11
Posts: 74
Posted: Sun, 2004-08-08 09:37

I just installed G2 and PHP 5. I also run 1.4.4 with PHP 5 which runs perfectly. On G2 after the last setup step "Which did confirm setup was done and all items were created" I received the following error:
Fatal error: Class 'GalleryModule' not found in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Newwebsite\gallery2\modules\core\module.inc on line 33
Now when I access this website the above error is the only thing that shows up.
I verified the file module.inc does exist in the above path.
I am running the latest files of everything that I am aware of.
I use Windows 2003 Server
PHP 5.0
Any ideas???

Thanks in advance!

mindless's picture

Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Sun, 2004-08-08 15:40

Sounds like some file is missing or corrupted.. check that modules/core/classes/GalleryModule.class exists and that init.php around line 48 has a require_once call for GalleryModule.class