Not a problem, just a query...
What criteria need to be met for a pic (or gallery) to register a hit count?
I have a gallery with counting enabled and it might say 250 views but from my website logs, I know that front page has been downloaded nearly 1000 times. Same goes for pics, it might show total 300 but I can see form the logs that the page and image have been requested over a thousand in the last week...?
Posts: 2322
Gallery registers hits to the page, not to the image itself. If someone is hotlinking a particular .jpg or .gif file, this will not show up as a click.
Posts: 7
Thanks for that but how would that account for
If someone enters the site at an album does that count? I have a large number of entry pages to the album which is much larger than the counter currently stands at for that album...?
Posts: 2322
It depends what you're talking about.
If someone views albums.php, the counters will not be updated. If they view /gallery/somealbumname, then the counter should be updated for that album.
Posts: 7
Posts: 90
..but if they view /gallery/somealbumname/someimagename, then the someimagename counter is incremented but not the album counter, right? least that seems to be the behavior that i'm seeing..
also don't forget that gallery remembers visitors (session cookies) and will not count them twice if they keep clicking on the same pic (even though your logs will show multiple clicks..)
Posts: 103
Posts: 2
FAQ Gallery:b.2
Posts: 2
How do I submit my art to a gallery?
Posts: 13451
Bluestone, not by posting in a random thread...