Border around the image

Agatka's picture

Joined: 2002-10-19
Posts: 140
Posted: Mon, 2002-11-11 12:10

Hi all,

I have searched the gallery for this topic but didn't really find the solution. I would like to get rid of the border around each photo thumb in albums.

Thank you


Joined: 2002-08-28
Posts: 22
Posted: Mon, 2002-11-11 18:20

in your html_wrap directory, there are 2 files:

These contain HTML that add the border around the images. I think the best solution is to remove the excess html.

Add these 2 files

<!-- BBCode Start --><TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font class="pn-sub">Code:</font><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT class="pn-sub"><PRE><?
//-- shorten the variables for convinience ---
$borderWidth = $gallery->html_wrap['borderWidth'];
$borderColor = $gallery->html_wrap['borderColor'];
$thumbWidth = $gallery->html_wrap['thumbWidth'];
$thumbHeight = $gallery->html_wrap['thumbHeight'];
$tag = $gallery->html_wrap['thumbTag'];
$href = $gallery->html_wrap['thumbHref'];
$base = $gallery->app->photoAlbumURL . '/images';
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">
<td bgcolor="<?= $borderColor ?>" rowspan="2" colspan="2" width="1" height="1">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="<?= $borderWidth ?>">
<td width="<?= $thumbWidth ?>" height="<?= $thumbHeight ?>"><a href="<?= $href ?>"><?= $tag ?></a></td>
</table></TD></TR></TABLE><!-- BBCode End -->

and inline_albumthumb.frame
<!-- BBCode Start --><TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font class="pn-sub">Code:</font><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT class="pn-sub"><PRE><?php
//-- shorten the variables for convinience ---
$borderWidth = $gallery->html_wrap['borderWidth'];
$borderColor = $gallery->html_wrap['borderColor'];
$thumbWidth = $gallery->html_wrap['thumbWidth'];
$thumbHeight = $gallery->html_wrap['thumbHeight'];
$tag = $gallery->html_wrap['thumbTag'];
$href = $gallery->html_wrap['thumbHref'];
$base = $gallery->app->photoAlbumURL . '/images';
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td bgcolor="<?= $borderColor ?>">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="<?= $borderWidth ?>">
<td width="<?= $thumbWidth ?>" height="<?= $thumbHeight ?>"><a href="<?= $href ?>"><?= $tag ?></a></td>
</table></TD></TR></TABLE><!-- BBCode End -->

Agatka's picture

Joined: 2002-10-19
Posts: 140
Posted: Tue, 2002-11-12 01:34

Thank you, it's nice to have this, but I really wanted to just get rid of the border that outlines pictures in my albums. It's like when you have a picture with the link then the picture gets outlined.


Joined: 2002-07-20
Posts: 1301
Posted: Tue, 2002-11-12 02:41


You can edit that in the properties pop up for each album.

From there you can decide whether or not to apply the same values to the nested albums as well.

Agatka's picture

Joined: 2002-10-19
Posts: 140
Posted: Tue, 2002-11-12 11:47

Hi PixePoet,

That was just what I wanted :smile: Thank you so much. And I'd like to add that I really like your website and your pictures are amazing.
