NON-Nuke standalone out there?


Joined: 2003-08-12
Posts: 4
Posted: Mon, 2004-06-21 03:59

Forgive me if it exists in the other sections but I can't seem to find one for gallery v1.4.3-pl2

I do not use any version of Nuke, and I don't want to either.

BUT I do want to have a random display of images from my gallery.

Anyone point me in the right direction? Please :cry:

OR, if there doesn't exist a random, how about a script that will display the LEAST viewed image from the gallery. Which in fact would sort of act like a random since everytime the least viewed is viewed, its no longer the least viewed and some other image has become the least viewed. Thus making the images random. Backwards logic but you get what I'm saying?

Please help the mentally unhelpable :roll:


Joined: 2002-12-26
Posts: 38
Posted: Mon, 2004-06-21 06:12

Have you seen the page on my site discussing standalone block-random?

Try .
