Problems applying CSS to Gallery's HTML


Joined: 2002-08-19
Posts: 16
Posted: Tue, 2004-04-06 18:20

I've been trying to update the style sheet on my gallery and I'm running into a lot of problems with the underlying HTML. Specifically the popup windows are very inconsistent in their use of SPAN and DIV tags that are marked as a "popup" CSS class.

The login window has a DIV.popup wrapping all the content but others like the move, upload (I know that's changed in RC1), and progress windows use a SPAN tag. The SPAN tag is really intended for a single line, not wrapping a P, FORM, and TABLE as it does now.

Fixing this seems pretty simple, it sure would make the theme designers jobs much easier. What would be the best way to get this changed? Grab a copy of CURRENT from CVS and submit patches? Add a bug to SourceForge?

I've also noticed some other small wierdnesses in the HTML that looked like they wouldn't validate. I know that with Gallery2 there's a big push for unit testing. I'd like to see unit tests added to validate the HTML gallery generates.