"Title" custom field not displaying in view_photo.


Joined: 2003-03-20
Posts: 7
Posted: Thu, 2004-02-19 00:57

"Title" custom field not displaying when photo is viewed. I have no problems with displaying any of the other fields; Upload Date, Capture Date, Image Size, Additional EXIF Data or custom fields, like field1, etc...

Searched the archives for a solution, but no luck. Others posted issues with "Title" field no being displayed, but confused the problem with viewing custom fields in thumbnail/album view.

I looked thru view_photo.php for extra_field variables and got a bit confused with numerous "title" references. If anyone has a small piece of php code I could insert for testing output of custom fields or any other thoughts...would be greatly appreciated.


Gallery URL (optional but very useful): gallery.mountainservice.com/auto
Gallery version: 1.41pl2
Apache version: 2.0
PHP version (don't just say PHP 4, please): 4.3.4
Graphics Toolkit: imagemagick
Operating system: win2003 server
Web browser/version (if applicable):
Embedded in: Geeklog 1.3.8