A no doubt frequently asked question.


Joined: 2004-02-12
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2004-02-12 06:22

I have just installed Gallery and am pretty pleased with the layoput and even the regular colors.

But I had wanted to use the gallery for several friends and myself to all use as our online art art albums. So we each need to be able to sign on and make our own albums, each with permissions so that no one but me (The Admin) and the person who created the folder can manipulate it's contents. Now I am not asking how to do that. I will plug through that in my own time, doubtless asking many questions along the way.

What I need to know right now, and am not even sure this is the right place to ask, is this....

I can login, but I am the admin. That seems automatic. I don't seem to be able to figure out how to enable people to sign on and get passwords of their own. In other words, I was wondering if someone could help point me to how to enable Gallery to have a "sign up" feature so that people can get into the system and set up a password and username so that they can start making albums of their own. My Gallery came set up and installed by my host. It's layout has a login space, but no sign up feature for new users. I am assuming this is something that must be enabled.

Greatfully Yours;

Hope Hoover