.htaccess help


Joined: 2002-10-16
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2002-10-16 04:56

I created the file .htaccess and FTP'd it ok but I can't see it in the directory. I can see config.php ok though. What am I doing wrong.



Joined: 2002-07-20
Posts: 1301
Posted: Wed, 2002-10-16 06:18

It's there if you uploaded it, but you can't see it because .htaccess is usually a hidden file.

If you are using ws_ftp you can just put "-la" (minus the quotes) in the white box on the right under MkDir and hit refresh. That should make any hidden files (like .htaccess) visible.

I'm not sure about other ftp programs, but they must have a similar way to show hidden files.