"albums" directory not included in URL


Joined: 2004-01-25
Posts: 2
Posted: Sun, 2004-01-25 18:34

I'm a newbie who has just installed Gallery 1.4.1 via Fantastico (which comes with cpanel on my host). As such, I didn't use the configuration wizard -- apparently everything is pretty much done automatically with Fantastico (I think). I know a little about php/MySQL, but please bear in mind, small words are very helpful to me when it comes to this stuff. :)

So I'm trying out Gallery for the first time and I uploaded a few sample pictures to get a feel for how to do things, and I've hit a weird snag. This is my Gallery page with its one and only album:

edited -- fixed now, many thanks

foffo's picture

Joined: 2003-03-06
Posts: 660
Posted: Sun, 2004-01-25 20:58

Joined: 2004-01-25
Posts: 2
Posted: Sun, 2004-01-25 21:36

Thanks and apologies; I was searching for "directory" and that sort of thing, obviously I wasn't searching for the right thing. Sorry to have wasted your space. :)

foffo's picture

Joined: 2003-03-06
Posts: 660
Posted: Sun, 2004-01-25 21:42

No problemo! .)