Block/Upload drained server resources?


Joined: 2004-01-12
Posts: 4
Posted: Mon, 2004-01-12 16:56

Severe problems...
Main gallery install went fine. (my 4th or so to date).
I just tried to install the Random Block on a PostNuke website and had the admin shut it down because of problems. It was affecting the server so badly that they had to suspend my account.

I am not sure whether this might have been caused by uploading photos using the remote- or by the Random Block

It appears that a PHP script or something linked to it kept trying to call a web page which does not exist- at least as far as I can tell.
The Midphase tech told me:

I just suspended your account and notified the manager.
The reason was that you crashed the server a few times by your scripts.

Your script generated hundreds of Apache processes like this:
1603 0/31/132 W 0.04 172 0 0.0 0.37 0.95 GET /1/error.php HTTP/1.0
121-0 1317 0/18/147 W 0.52 235 0 0.0 0.15 1.02 GET /1/error.php HTTP/1.0
122-0 1604 0/8/171 W 0.08 214 0 0.0 0.34 2.96 GET /1/error.php HTTP/1.0
123-0 1605 0/11/50 W 0.14 216 0 0.0 0.35 1.08 GET /1/error.php HTTP/1.0
124-0 1606 0/7/138 W 0.01 219 0 0.0 0.36 2.78 GET /1/error.php HTTP/1.0
125-0 1608 0/6/105 W 0.17 170 0 0.0 0.08 0.75 GET /1/error.php HTTP/1.0
126-0 1609 0/3/175 W 0.09 207 0 0.0 0.06 1.28 GET /1/error.php HTTP/1.0

Also it created hundreds of mysql processes like this:
| 11675 | wither2_witheric | localhost | wither2_witherick | Query | 18 | Opening tables | SELECT nuke_module_vars.pn_value
FROM nuke_module_vars
WHERE nuke_module |
| 11676 | wither2_witheric | localhost | wither2_witherick | Query | 17 | Opening tables | SELECT nuke_module_vars.pn_value
FROM nuke_module_vars
WHERE nuke_module |

Server became highly overloaded and inaccessible. We got numerious complaints from the customers. That is why I was forced to disable your account before I contacted you.

Does anyone know of a way that I can test this? The current logs in the control panel looks fine now- as do the raw logs which appear to resemble the first part of the quote..
I have now disabled the random block- but can't tell if this was the cause,. or upleoading photos.

I am running a PostNuke site and I think a misconfigured block caused the problems- but I was not aware of this until it was suspened.
Any ideas, help or where to go greatly appreciated .

PostNuke 7.23 I think- mainly because of login probs with 7.26

Warren's picture

Joined: 2002-07-24
Posts: 794
Posted: Mon, 2004-01-12 23:54

What block are you using or who's block did you get? I would suggest with PostNuke to use the latest source from


Joined: 2004-01-12
Posts: 4
Posted: Tue, 2004-01-13 01:10

It's working now- I had to delete the block using phpMyAdmin to disable, then read through all the forums (!).
Found the e-card in the process as well...
Now on I have the random block, the Gallery and the e-card so that you can send the pics to mates.

Thanks to all the developers and people here- a number of your posts (@Warren et al) were what made it so that I could get there with minimal help.

For those wondering:
Got latest Random_Block (see sticky topic) and e-card (see php nuke forum on this site).
Changed Nuke to Postnuke where relevant,
Added the line to util.php (part of original installation).
And let it rip.
