Thanks, it looks great!

Ferre's picture

Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 2
Posted: Sun, 2004-01-04 23:21

After I had been experimenting with different gallery's for our church's website (even e version made with frontpage, tsk, tsk), our new designer came up with gallery and integrated it into the new design he did for our website.
This looks even better then I had expected and I wanted to thank you guys for it! :D

Btw, the designer is JuggoPop, and he did a great job, he still is, actually, our phpBB forum will be his next project with two custom theme's. (a dark and a light theme)

Have a happy day, and a very good New Year!

Reverend Ferre van Beveren
THC Ministry Amsterdam

bharat's picture

Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Mon, 2004-01-05 07:03

Hi there. Glad to hear that you're enjoying your new Gallery installation! I'm also glad to see Gallery being used for such a good cause :-)

Ferre's picture

Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 2
Posted: Mon, 2004-01-05 08:08

Thank you for your kind words! :D

If you find the time, please visit our forums one day, you're more then welcome. 8)